Don't Sit All Day, Rise Up & Stand Tall!

Stopping to sit to enjoy the view is one thing. But sitting all day impacts our health.
Stopping to sit to enjoy the view is one thing. But sitting all day impacts our health.

Do you have to sit for long periods of time? How does your body like it?

Today, I’m writing this post standing up – with my laptop on the counter, as opposed to sitting down.

I hurt my back this week from sitting at the computer for too long. I got up after working at my desk for several hours, which can be typical given the nature of my work; that day, my body gave me a not-so-pleasant reminder that it doesn’t like to be sedentary.

The stiffness in my back was a wake-up call that made me painfully aware of how unkind I’m being to my body when I’m sedentary. According to research, “sitting is the new smoking.”

How can we rise up, to take care of our bodies, in a world that encourages us to sit?

To heal my back and body for the short-term and long-term, starting later last week, I began making changes to my sitting habits. My body wanted to be moving more and disliked sitting still for too long.

To help my back feel better I went out and did some yoga. My youngest sister captured this shot for me.
To help my back feel better I went out and did some yoga. My youngest sister captured this shot for me.

My question to myself: How can I stop sitting so much on a daily basis? I have found that sitting seems to be part of the job description of a student, a blogger, and a professional.

The sitting position is so common in today’s lifestyle – it seems impossible to avoid. Sometimes, too, we do need to sit down. However, like in all areas of life, homeostasis wants to be maintained. So in my daily life, I’m trying to find the balance between sitting and standing. I feel so much better in my mind, body, and soul when I’m stretching and moving my body.

Sound familiar? Want to join me?

Try today to be more aware of your body by listening to its needs, its cues, its positioning: what is it telling you? Try to encourage movement into your daily life as much as possible. Rather than less physical work, why not add more? You will feel much better.

Instead of sitting while working on the computer, why not stand up like I did to write this post?

Starting today, I have a two part challenge for you. First, I invite you to think and reflect on how much you sit and on how you can reduce sitting times in your daily life. Then, begin standing more in your daily life.

We are all in this together. Time to get moving!

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below about how you reduce sitting in your daily life. 

See you at the beach!

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Arianna Merritt

Arianna Merritt is a Canadian Lifestyle Blogger who shares lessons in hope, resilience, and confidence.

Follow her on Instagram: @AriannaontheGo.

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