Editor's Pick Arianna Merritt Editor's Pick Arianna Merritt

Standing Firm Against The Tide

Water is an essential part of my life and a great teacher to me.

I cherish going to the beach, as it empowers me.  You may have guessed this through the theme of my blog. I look at the mighty rocks on the shore that stand firm despite the waves which persistently crash against them. The intensity of the tide will vary; and the rocks will be shaken, depending on the water’s strength.

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Arianna Merritt Arianna Merritt

When life gets tough, just keep swimming!

I love swimming!! If I had it my way, I would spend all day in or around the water.  It makes me feel alive.

As I have said in a previous post, sometimes I feel as if I am part fish.

If I could do one activity every day for the rest of my life and not get bored of it, it would be swimming.  The water is almost as essential as oxygen to my survival.  Maybe that's because I was raised always being near, in, or on the water.

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