10 Things I Love About Fall

Happy First Day of Fall!

What are your favourite things about this time of year? Recently, the weather was so warm that it felt like summer was still here. However, waking up this past Sunday morning, I looked out my window and saw that fall had finally arrived. 

Swathes of leaves in the trees had changed colour: magnificent reds, yellows and oranges; the road was covered with the dull gold of crushed leaves. These sights made me excited!  This change in season brings about many things I can look forward to and appreciate during the following months of autumn.

Different coloured leaves covered by path.
Different coloured leaves covered by path.

I decided to reflect on my top 10 favourite things fall has to offer:

1) The slight chill in the air during fall nights brings about the perfect opportunity to cuddle up with a blanket by the fire and write.

2) Thanksgiving (for Canadians – we celebrate this holiday in October).

3) The wardrobe – Sweaters are so comfortable and warm.

4) Playing in the leaves. I still enjoy raking a pile of leaves, then jumping in and through the leaves about.

(c) Arianna's Random Thoughts

5) Getting out in nature and seeing the beauty.  Growing up, my family and I would always visit Gatineau Park to see the leaves turning colour.  I recommend going there if you have a chance.  Any recommendations of future places I should visit during the fall?

6) The harvest – I love getting out and going apple picking and pumpkin picking. Then, coming home and baking with the family.  There are always so many recipes to try! If you have any favourite recipes, feel free to post them.

Take a Chance and Reach Out! (c) Arianna's Random Thoughts.
Picking pears in the Fall. (c) Arianna's Random Thoughts

7) All the wonderful smells of the leaves and the harvest.  During this season, I seek out any occasion to get outdoors and inhale the crisp air into my lungs.  I feel refreshed, and my body thanks me.

Pigs I saw on my walk.
Pigs I saw on my walk.
A cute sheep I saw.
A cute sheep I saw.

8) Watching the throngs of geese in the fields as they get ready to migrate south for the winter.

The geese in the fall on Vancouver Island.
The geese in the fall on Vancouver Island.

9) Gathering with friends and family.  This can be over dinner or simply going for a coffee, walk, and a talk.  I personally enjoy going to Starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte with friends.

10) A fresh start.  Fall has always signified the beginning of the school year, so I see it as an opportunity to start anew.

For me, fall is a time to be thankful and to celebrate the blessings life has to offer. It is a season for gratitude.  It’s such a blessing to be alive, even though there are hardships sometimes.  There is so much to look forward to :) We can encourage each other to focus on the joys in life!

What are you looking forward to this fall? What are your favourite activities?

Thank you for reading and your presence at this beach retreat. You Rock! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.

See you at the beach!